Rhinitis is the swelling of mucous membrane of the nose. Patient feel suffocation and difficulty in breathing through nose. This may occure due to cold,swelling,inflammation of inside mucous membrane inside the nose,pus formation in mucous membrane in side the nose.
Some important medicine of rhinitis are,
Aconite,3x,30: If there is swelling of mucous membrane in side the nose due to cold, nose feel hot,swelling and redness then it it is useful.
Belldona,3,30: If nose is very red, blood congestion,nose is red both from inside and outside then it is useful.
Mercsol3,30: If there is pus formation in side mucous membrane of the nose, then it is used.
Heper sulph,6,30:If there is pus formation in the mucous membrane of the nose, then it is used.
Lamina minor,3,30: Useful in case of polypus inside the nose. If there is swelling and inflammation inside the nose. if the condition worsen in humid weather condition, in the rainy season, feels similar to asthma, Smelling lost the it is used.
Sticta P,3x,6x: If nose is completely closed and breathing through nose become difficult.
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