Thursday, November 5, 2009

Emotional shock,Emotional Trauma, Psychological Trauma

The Advertising Network
Different type of opportunities appears before us in our day to day struggle of life. Some time we have good moments before us,get oppertunity to listen good news, feels extremely happy and some times we have to face very adverse momentts, sad news which shaken our whole existence deeply. Both type , wheather good or bad moments in our life in its extremity, have serious affects on our emotional and psychlogical level. Both type of feeling good or bad in its extremity creates a situation like mental shock. Symptoms based some Homoeopathy medicines, which are generally useful in such cases are mentioned below,

Veratrum Album, 30: Useful for the symptoms, if after mental shock of sweating starts from head, forehead, and body.

Camphor Q, 3: Patient feels coldness like ice after mental shock. It has some peculiar symptoms. Patients feel hotness in side the body but feels coldness above the skin. Patient feels coldness but can not tolerate cloth covering on the body and if he is covered with cloth, throws away.
Aconite, 3, and 30: Useful if reason of the mental shock is fear, patient got frightened which developed the condition of mental shock.

Coffea, 30,200: Useful, If all of sudden some good news, extreme joy is the reason of developing some mental symptoms, shock like condition.

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